Off-Grid Power – Reliable energy for business
When your workplace is too far for the grid to service, you have to rely on generating power on-site. One of our customers had installed a series of solar panels backed up with a traditional generator to step in when the batteries were depleted. But they found demand would exceed supply and needed to keep the generator running 24/7 to ensure important services could function. It was an expensive situation for the customer. So they turned to NES for a solution.
With our expertise and the Loxone range of energy management systems, our customer soon had automated control of their energy sources. Their solar array continued to deliver clean energy when available, while the generator stepped in when required to deliver uninterrupted power. Saving them money and time to inspect and replenish expensive fuel.
You can read more about how we helped our customer achieve reliable off-grid energy for their business. And if you want to enjoy flexible, cost-effective energy in your home or workspace, talk to us today